I have a little garden plaque I picked up for a few dollars at a garage sale and it says on it "When the world wearies and society does not satisfy there is always the garden". Well this is so true. Over the last couple of days I have had the worst customer service at two places. Actually there was no service only money grabbing going on. Needless to say Lucy is still without her maths book and my cross stitch is back at the framers. I think I maybe making some little voodoo dolls over Easter!!!! No I wouldn't waste my time on that I hope to get a lot of stitching and sewing done and maybe a little bit of furniture moving if Ainsley and Julian get the keys to there new home and that is another story in itself. As Ainsley said on the weekend she is past caring. Anyway enough of the bad stuff the garden at Kainga is producing.

As the label says they are garden fresh. You couldn't ask for anything better than that.

I wish everyone a safe Easter. I hope the bunny manages to hop into your place and leave something special for you..
Happy Easter.
Bev C