Welcome to Monday. This week I have chosen something a little different. Here at Kainga we are fairly enviromentally friendly. We recycle reuse and reduce as much as possible. Two Christmas's ago I was disgusted at the amount of junk mail we were getting in our letterbox. One toy catalogue from Big W weighed an astronomical amount,we don't have small children so this was an absolute waste especially seeing it was printed on glossy paper. It took a couple of months for me to convince Ian that we really didn't need that junk mail. How often did we buy something from them? I know Ian was a bit reluctant because he would miss out on the hardware catalogues,but guess what they are all on-line.

Happy Monday.
Bev C
Good on ya, Bev. I avoid all junk mail, too by sharing my son's letter-box rather than use my own. They are only about 30 metres apart, so why should the mailman have to stop twice? And my daughter keeps an eye on specials that she thinks may interest me. Luckily I have obliging offspring, huh?
maybe i need to do that as well because I get so much junk mail. I don't read it..
Me too Roseanne.
I think here in Holland it is much more than 23 kilo's. We can hardly believe how much we get in one week. It really makes me thinking again. In Holland we do have stickers, to let know you don't want any junk mail.
great idea Bev-those phamplets can sure block up your mailbox! cheers teri
A fantastic idea Bev! Wishing you a wonderful day.
Hi Bev, have to agree with you about the amount of junk mail we get - unreal. I don't mind not getting them at all, but poor old Cory is the Catalogue Captain at home. As soon as the junk mail is in..chair pulled out, table cleared...the studying starts...and then come the orders. Master Scammer strikes again. Kind regards, Anita.
Hi Bev...happy to hear that you found a sign that worked!!!
That is awesome! I wish we could put a sign like that on our mailbox here in the States, but I don't think it would work. I keep trying to figure out how to get off those junk mail mailing lists because I hate taking them from the mail box to the recycle trash. Good for you!
Hey Bev- I am happy to tell you that you won my giveaway! I will be emailing you for your shipping information. Now here is something really funny- your post here is "number 13"- but your comment on my blog was #13 which was the number chosen by the random number generator- so I guess 13 is your lucky number!
Great idea Bev - we've opted out of lots of junk mail but still get a stash of leaflets with the free paper which go straight in the recycling! And congratulations on your win lol - lucky 13 :0)
Super idea Bev. We're lucky here, we don't get any junk mail (too far out in the sticks maybe???). But years ago when I lived in the city I had a similar sign on my mail box. It just gets way out of hand. What a waste! Happy Monday Bev :)
Great idea Bev
What a great idea, Bev!!
Here in the US I think there is an address you can write to to end junk mail... but not sure.
Be something to look into though.
Keep up the great "green" work! :)
Bev, found this website!
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