Happy Monday to you all. Today I am posting a little later than usual because I wanted to finish of "Red work Seasons". This is making me very very happy this Monday. I have turned mine into a table topper. I don't have many red pieces of material in my stash so it was a real challenge to do this without really buying any more material. Though I do admit to buying some

First prize was a beautiful quilt. I bought my ticket a few weeks back because I wasn't able to get to the morning tea as I was nurse/career for my Mum. She had her carpel tunnel operated on the day before so we were unable to attend.Now some of you know that my Brother Peter passed away from bowel cancer last year so these morning teas now take on even more meaning. I really don't have any need for "Teddy" so will be adding some baby items to him and dropping him into the gift shop at PMH next month when Lucy has her appointment. So the goodness travels on.

Now if you really want to know what else is making me Happy this Monday you must check out Tarnyia's recipe. (Sunday May 23rd posting.) I finally got around to making it late yesterday. Yum, this Tangy Lemon Slice will make you happy. I did the same as Tarnyia and doubled the mixture. Now I am very happy that I found Tarnyia through blogging. Why you may ask. Tarnyia knew my brother Peter when he had his station at Mount Magnet. It really is a small world.
Plus I am jumping for joy happy that Lucy's corset is nearly finished. Hopefully she will have the rest of the beads sewn on at school today. When I got up this morning Lucy was sitting in my chair with the light on sewing on beads. Gosh she looked like her Mother!!!! The next project they are making will be something out of denim. So much easier than a corset!!!!
So a multitude of things are making Me Happy this Monday. Remember you have until lunchtime next Sunday to enter my 200th post giveaway. Good luck and thank you to those who have entered so far. What is making you happy today?
Happy Monday to you all.
Bev C