Well what a surprise I found the other day. I have been cleaning up my sewing room this week. I found a little "goodies bag". In it was this little piece of work waiting for the side borders to be put on.

I can remember doing this but can't remember how long ago it was. So glad it is finished though.I do love the "Australiania" material. There was just enough of each piece to make the little quilt.

So that is another finish for May.

I also made up a little bag to put in with Carmody's "Doggie Bag." It is posted and on its way to her.
Guess what happened this morning???? It rained. YAY!!!!!!
Happy days.
Bev C
Bev, your Aussie quilt is fabulous! And I love Carmody's little purse. Bet she loves that and her bag!
Good news all round, huh? It's been raining here, too. Although it sounds like we got more than over Chris' way.
Hi Bev, the sound of the rain nearly frightened us to death! We had forgotten what rain sounds like. lol. Kind regards, Anita.
Yay! we got rain today too. Lots and lots of it. I'm loving your little roo quilt. The fabric is great.
Hi Bev, the roos are lovely, and Carmody will love the 'doggy bags'.
Yes! rain here too. That's five days in a row with moisture, 4 with sprinkles and 1 with real rain (20mls), but this morning dawned warm, blue sky and cloudless. Another glorious day for the tourists!
Yay...isn't it nice to find something Bev that has been missing...and finishing it!!! Cool doggie bag...and congrats on the win...Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day...Dzintra♥x
That fabric panel is so cool! I love the colors and the print. It kinda looks like a batik fabric. Cute bag, especially with the curved top.
Love that aussie fabric Bev and the little bag is so cute. Glad you got some rain! We are having a glorious Autumn day here today! xx
selaaaamm..bende çok severim kanguruları ..Antalya-TÜRKİYE
Good to hear that it rained. I do not think we are going to get any more here. Great projects there.
Happy Friday and have fun sewing with the girls.
So pretty! Glad you are getting rain. blessings,Kathleen
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