What makes us want to buy? Sometimes it maybe because we have a project in mind. Or could it be we need it for later on. We are not feeling so happy so buying some new fabric will make us happy won't it. I visited a home recently and I couldn't believe how much fabric was in the home. It was everywhere. It actually made me realise I have enough. I haven't bought fabric recently and have actually walked right by the fabric when I have been in shops. I have seen photo's on the net of people's stash and couldn't believe how much they have but until you walk into a home and it is everywhere that was when it hit me. So I have decided to work on what I have in my sewing room. I don't want to buy more of those plastic crates to hold fabric. After all those plastic crates aren't that pretty are they. The challenge for me is to make things with what I have.

So with this in mind this week I started a new cross stitch and some crochet. The crochet is going to be one of those string bags. I was given a string bag when I bought some cross stitch supplies last year from a shop and have been using it for our weekly shopping. It is so handy. I don't think this one will be as big but certainly very useful to put in my handbag. Especially as a lot of shops are encouraging you to bring your own bag.

Earlier on in the week I went to use my camera and it wouldn't work. The lens wouldn't come out and it was making a funny noise and trying to talk to me. I looked up on the net for some answers. It seems if the lens didn't open the camera was no longer any good. Well I knew that!!! Found another site where it suggested some dust or a piece of dirt was blocking the lens coming out. It was suggested to get a fine needle. This is where being a sewer comes in handy. Run the needle around the lens and it would clean it. Wow it worked. They said the main culprit is a dirty camera bag. Well I realised I hadn't washed my little camera bag for quite sometime. It was looking a tad dirty so in the wash it went. They say "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" don't they. So now I am making sure I wash my camera bag on a more regular basis.
Catherine has kindly put the written pattern for the
Jam Jar Covers on her blog. Please check it out if you want to make one of these.
Happy days.
Bev C
I've been amazed at some people's stashes as well. I can't imagine having that much fabric! I do have some of those plastic crates. They are the short ones and live under our bed!
And a fine needle saved the day! Being a sewer (oh dear, I think I should have said 'one who sews') has its own rewards, huh? Good tip about keeping the camera bag clean - thanks.
I'm with you on the fabric. I know I have too much and when I start sewing again (some day) I want to work from my stash. I'm thinking I could pull out a piece and let it tell me what it wants to be! And I didn't know that about camera bags. I guess now that you've said it, it makes sense, but I just never thought about it!
lovely post Bev and i am with you i want to use what i already have in my stash,glad your camera is now working.xx
Yay for the needle! That's great that such a small thing could get the camera working again, good on you researching before just tossing the camera. As for the stash, mine is big, but i am working on using what i have or only buying when i NEED something. My 'stash' got so big when i was going through a difficult time a couple of years ago, but of course the buying didn't heal my heart of its troubles.
Yes I have far too much fabric and I do use my stash but the trouble is I get tired of seeing the some fabrics...
I HOPE to one day only buy what I NEED if I ever get through my crates....LOL
My fabric stash is embarrasingly modest compared to some. I even feel guilty about a small stash let alone a humungous one!
Stash is a funny thing...some I look at on the internet and am envious, others I look at and am horrified at all that money sitting there not being used! I try to use from my fabric stash these days, with just a little purchase every now and then. My paper stash, on the other hand, is WAY out of control!
I have a camera that is doing the same thing...thanks for the tip!
I promised myself this year I would be buying only to finish off projects - however I have not managed completely to do that but mostly it has been for specific projects! so easy to want all the lovely fabrics there are.... glad the camera got fixed up...
That's a great discovery regarding the camera. I will remember that!
Oh - I know about those fabrics. But good reading this, because I saw some lovely colorful fabric and wanted to order it - sale. But, no I am not going to do it after reading this.
Good for you, to read on about the camera. I tip I will remember! And yes, I think I should wash my camera cover too. Never done that in all those years ...
Have a lovely weekend.
My stash is only a small one and I think it is enough for me while it would be nice to have more, I doubt I would use it all!!!... I actually haven't bought much fabric this year, prefering to use what I do have. Though in saying that I am going to a big craft fair next weekend...:O)
Oops forgot... you were lucky with the camera, who would've thought a needle would fix it...
I have seen those videos and photos too and it is scary. I do not want to become a hoarder, what is the purpose in that. I think one should have a supply of their craft but there is a limit.
Hope your Sister had a wonderful birthday Bev.
My summer garden is coming to an end, but the zinnias are still blooming and no powdery leaves either. A first in my garden. I did buy some seed for fall/spring. Have a good weekend too.
Hmmm, food for thought in this post Bev. I had a big fabric buying year last year, but have been very restrained this year. I guess there isn't much point in buying even more when I'm not finding time to use what I already have! It just seems so wasteful. I do enjoy dreaming of what I will make 'one day'. Great job on fixing your camera.
I think when we really want/need to buy something it is akin to retail therapy...after all the purchase makes us feel better at the time...even though sometimes we have to take the item back! Good on you Bev for wanting to use what you have...I'm trying to do that too! Have a fun week xo
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