Monday is washing day. Aren't you glad that you no longer have to do the washing like Sunbonnet Sue here in the red work stitchery.

this Monday.
Onto the real reason for this weeks dose of happiness. Last week while doing some dangerous housework. Yes dangerous. I was on top of a stepladder on our dining table trying to clean the ceiling fans in the family room. Lucy was still asleep. I won't let you know the time but it was in the morning and it is school holidays so that is OK. I had cleaned one of the fan blades and was beginning to realise how stupid it was to be doing this. What would happen if I fell etc. Luckily I heard the postie's bike and went to inspect what he had dropped off. I had received a small parcel from my dear blogging friend Bobbie Lynn . I received the most beautiful handmade Easter card and some tags. I am in awe of these. I have made a few tags but procrastination sets in and I spend too much time working out what to do. These tags are just so beautiful and I feel very blessed. Thank you so much Bobbie Lynn. You must do yourself a favour and have a look at the lovely photo's Bobbie Lynn has on her blog.
So to Bobbie Lynn and all those special people who come to visit Kainga Happenings here is a small vase of "Radio Times" a David Austen rose and some carnations just for you to enjoy.The perfume of "Radio Times" is described as a wonderfully rich old rose fragrance.

I hope everyone has a "Happy Monday". After lunch I am meeting up with Anita for a cuppa.
Happy Monday.
Bev C
Hi Bev, I'm glad you didn't fall off the ladder. I love your red stitch work and I have to admit, the socks in my house still get scrubbed with the scrubbing board.......boys! See you soon. Kind regards, Anita.
What a sweet set of tags! And I love the flowers you shared in return. I especially adore that sunbonnet sue embroidery, especially to represent Monday's wash day. Will you come clean our ceiling fan blades too? LOL It's actually high on my cleaning list too cuz they are a bit dusty!
Happy Monday Bev! Great post... love those tags and your roses (as always) are beautiful... I wish I could smell them! Have a great day xx
Thanks for sharing the roses, Bev. Do, please, be careful on that ladder. I once cracked a few ribs the week before Christmas when I stood on a chair that was positioned on my desk, to place a special angel my youngest daughter had made on top of the Christmas tree. I've been careful about ladders and climbing ever since. And I guess Chris told you about her ladder escapade last year?
I am am glad you did not fall from your ladder. I was cleaning from a ladder 2 year ago at Christmas time and did fall off yes hit the breakfast bench. Was not good for a long time. (SO STAY OFF THAT LADDER) The tags are very nice lucy you...
Such a lovely stitchery and what a wonderful card with tags you got (O:
Thank you for the roses and the carnation. I would love to smell them!
Lovely flowers! Stay safe on those ladders, Bev.
Heehee! This Sue was using a bucket on Monday to rinse out the hand dyed fabrics she did on Sunday. I didn't wear a bonnet tho'.
What a lovely post. The card and tags are adorable, so fun to get goodies in the mail :cD and your flowers are beautiful! So glad you had such a happy Monday, hope the rest of your week is even better!
Lovely stitchery Bev!!! I'm happy too when the washing machine does its work and I can do something else while it does it!!! Washday was such a big deal in the old days wasn't it...Thank you for the flowers...they are beautiful, Dzintra♥x
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