We have just finished the first week of the school holidays. Lots of lazing around doing very little.Though Lucy and I have been out for Brunch and Afternoon Tea. The perfect way to spend our time. David was home from Uni for a few days and managed to use up our monthly usage and it slows down afterwards so we decided to have a break from the Internet.

I have been doing a little work. I have one more of the Friend-Sheep blocks to go. I changed the background fabric on November's block. I was hunting through my fabrics to look for the pumpkin fabric and it took so long to find it that I decided that it needed to take centre place. The sheep is in the patch of pumpkins rather than a few pumpkins being beside the fence. I didn't have pumpkins growing so I took the photo in the broccoli patch.

Yesterday I got not one but two phone calls about a garage sale that had lots of craft supplies. The owners of the property used to have a craft shop. There were stacks of supplies to choose from. I even met one of the ladies who goes to sewing who got some lovely material and bags of buttons. I managed to restrain myself I picked up a Handmade magazine a quilting pattern that has some patches to use in the pattern as well as two packets of heart buttons one in cream and the other a light blue. Total cost $4.00.
Anita went to the sale as well. Anita has some pictures on her blog of the house it was at.
Uralia House was was once a maternity hospital. I was born there as well as my siblings . It is now a private home,though there is a Bed and Breakfast out the back which is done up with all sorts of antique items. The owner also restores furniture and I can tell you he does such a wonderful job. Mum got some furniture restored by him and gave it to Ainsley and Julian for there wedding present a few years back.

Over the Easter break Ian with a little help from me managed to get our third raised veggie bed made. We used tin and pine logs to make the side. Two compost bins full of lovely compost are underneath the veggie mix we got from the garden supply. We have planted two sorts of Broccoli Cauliflowers Chinese cabbage Broad Beans etc. In a few weeks I will show another photo showing the growth of the veggies.

Yesterday afternoon I decided to trim back a lavender bush we had growing out the front. It was a cutting I got from my Aunt just after we shifted here. Well after trimming it back a bit I decided it was time for it to come out. Would you believe this photo above is the wheelbarrow and trailer full of the lavender just from the one plant. The base and roots of the plant are still to be pulled out. I now have a massive area to full in. I couldn't believe that it was just the one plant. I have a few more of them to take out as well. I think it is time for a change. So be warned when people offer you plants!!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Bev C
Hi Bev, I just knew you wouldn't be able to walk out of that garage sale without something in your hands. lol. You found some great treasures and the ladies there were just great fun. Kind regards, Anita.
Sounds like we were doing much the same thing yesterday, Bev. But, rather than pulling out a lavender bush, I pulled out a daisy that was growing up through my lavender and smothering it a bit. Had to enlist the help of my daughter-in-law to pull out the roots. There is a big gap in the garden now - what should I plant in it?
Hi Bev,
wow - I love your sheep in the pumpkins block - it is so bright and cheerful.
That lavender bush was HUGE - it's amazing how big bushes can grow. I bet you the roots take some digging out - or will you just saw it off at the base? I would lol.
It sounds like we are all in the garden trimming and digging. The raised veggie beds look great too :0)
What fabbie finds at the garage sale.
Have fun!
I cut down the lavender bushes every spring almost to the ground. So they stay low and fresh without wooden stems. But in your climate it will be different.
Bev, I wonder if you have chooko's or how did you call them again? I mean the green pear shaped sort of zucchini's. We had them in Australia but never seen them here.
Love the sheep block
Your restrained yourself very well at the Garage sale
Sounds like you have had a great week. Garage sales, time with family, sewing, gardening...how wonderful! I love your friend-sheep block, absolutely adorable! Hope the rest of your weekend is just as great!!
Sounds like a fun busy week you had with family and friends.
Love your new garden bed. May be an idea for me to keep the rabits out?
You had a busy busy busy holiday! I love hearing about your garage sale shopping. And your gardens look great. Lots of work but the rewards are worth it. I can't wait to start our veggie garden.
Did I read somewhere that you were being lazy??? LOL Looks like you have been working HARD!!! But it is always nice to get things done.
Enjoy today!
Wow, you have been one busy bee. A lot of wonderful things you posted and love the new raised bed. Good luck with those veggies. The quilt square is adorable. Have a great week and happy gardening, sewing and family fun. : )
Bobbie Lynn
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